Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ava Ramey is going to prison

Former United Government Security Officers of America (UGSOA), International Representative Ava Ramey is going to Federal Prison for stealing $379,000.00 of union funds.

Mrs. Ramey is listed on the DOL website as having filled the position of UGSOA Local 80 President from 2000 until 2009.  In 2004 she is appointed to the position of Regional Director for UGSOA International were she remained until she was removed just prior to the 2010 convention.  During her tenure she was also made a Trustee by the International and placed in charge of running other Locals.

Personally two years does not seems to cut it.  She steals well over a quarter of a million dollars and all she gets is two years in club fed?  WTF.">Name Your Link</a><img src=""

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